T & L Communications
Fire Alarm & Sprinkler Systems
T&L Communications, Inc. is able to perform inspections, repairs, and testing services on virtually any fire alarm system.
Our team of technicians can furnish your facility with the necessary alarm and detection equipment.
Conventional Detection Products
Addressable Detection Products
Audio/Visual Notification Appliances
Elevator Recall
UL Certification
Fire Alarm Control Panels
Fire Alarm System Networks
Test, Inspect and Monitoring Devices
Emergency Voice Evacuation Systems
Access Control and Security
T&L's qualified technicians are trained to inspect and maintain:
Fire Alarm and Life Safety Equipment
Wet-Pipe and Dry-Pipe Fire Sprinkler Systems
Pre-Action Fire Sprinkler Systems
Special Hazard Systems
Fire Suppression Equipment and Systems
Backflow Preventors
Fire Extinguishers
Emergency Lighting
Benefits of periodic inspection and testing:
Increased level of fire protection
Assurance of system integrity
Reliable operational security
Reduction of false alarms
Lower insurance rates